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Women’s Hormones

Restore Your Youthful Glow

Feel like yourself again — healthy, balanced, and energized.

Women’s Hormone Therapy in Santa Rosa, CA 

Loving your body, loving your life, and feeling like you’re 30 again is possible. Our integrative medical doctors can help determine what solutions are right for you.

couple loving life and each other

Don’t Just Accept Symptoms

Hot flashes. Mood swings. Grey hair. Night sweats. Hormones get blamed for a lot of unwanted and uncomfortable symptoms. 

However, these naturally produced chemicals are responsible for a lot more than your sweaty brow and menopause symptoms. Hormones allow your body to communicate internally. 

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Hormones Influence Every Aspect of Your Body’s Function

Hormones act as your body’s chemical messengers, sending vital communications between your brain and your other organs. 

These chemicals are produced by the endocrine system. (The endocrine system is made up of 10 different glands located throughout various parts of your body, including your adrenal gland, ovaries, and thyroid.) Your naturopathic doctor at Premier Integrative can help you balance your hormone levels to promote the right messages.

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Loving your body, and loving your life, is possible. Our doctors are here to help you find true health.

How Can You Recognize Hormone Imbalances?

Unfortunately, most of us will experience hormone imbalances throughout our lives. This can cause minor to severe unwanted symptoms, including but not limited to:

  • Depression
  • Fatigue and problems sleeping
  • Weight gain
  • Complexion concerns
  • Irritability
  • Menstrual period and cycle abnormalities, including cramping and bloating
  • Unwanted hair growth and hair loss
  • Headaches
  • Short and long-term memory 
  • Inability to focus
  • Lack of motivation
  • Decreased libido
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Increased sensitivity to noise and light
  • Infertility and increased potential for miscarriage
  • Osteoporosis
  • Breast Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • High Cholesterol
  • Fibroids
  • Ovarian Cysts

By paying attention to your body and tracking any unwanted symptoms, you can identify potential hormone imbalances and get help addressing them.

A Happy, Healthy Family Enjoying Sunshine

Our Doctors Help Optimize Hormone Levels

From simple diet and lifestyle changes to hormone replacement programs, we help you balance your hormone levels for a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Our team of licensed naturopathic medical doctors help address any imbalances while working to limit side effects. There is rarely a one-size-fits-all prescription. Our clinic, instead, focuses on listening to patient's concerns and offering support to address any root issues.

We offer comprehensive, preventative, and individualized medical care that emphasizes the importance of restoring and maintaining a state of sustainable health.

happy, mature woman thinking

Imbalances Cause Unwanted Symptoms

Each hormone is designed to meet a specific receptor. They all play a crucial role in every aspect of your body’s everyday functions, including:

  • Regulating your metabolism (your body’s system of processing food into energy)
  • Controlling your blood sugar
  • Stabilizing energy levels, brain function, and mood
  • Repairing bone, muscle, and skin following an injury
  • Optimizing your immune system
  • Supporting your reproductive system

When not enough of a hormone is produced or a hormone is misshapen, the wrong messages are communicated. This is when health issues can occur.

successful mature woman

Get Support Tailored Specifically for You

It’s likely that you’ve used at least one kind of hormone replacement therapy in your life — birth control pills. The hormones in birth control pills stop ovulation, effectively preventing pregnancy. But as many women know, this preventive measure can also cause unwanted side effects. 

Our doctors have nearly 20 years of combined experience offering hormone support programs. We use this expertise to reduce the chance of unwanted symptoms. 

Because we believe your health should always be the top priority.

How is a Hormone Treatment Plan Developed for Your Unique Goals?

Hormone imbalances can be hard to handle. When you are transitioning through perimenopause and menopause, understanding and dealing with these changes often requires the support and help of a qualified doctor. Our doctors recognize your body is unique. Your solution should also be unique to address your concerns.